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Popravka i nadgradnja PC računara

Popravka i nadgradnja PC računara

Popust cena: 1440 rsd

Kompjuter po mojoj meri II izdanje

Kompjuter po mojoj meri II izdanje

Popust cena: 440 rsd

Internet stvari broj 60

Why the Internet of Things isn’t about things at all

Just what is the Internet of Things? The generally accepted definition is a digital ecosystem wherein everyday objects have network connectivity, allowing them to send and receive data. The ‘things’ in this case are just about anything that can be fitted with a chip and connected to the internet – cars, wearables, appliances, machines and many more.

The culmination of all this is a world where your devices all talk to each other. Your fridge sends a reminder to your watch to buy milk when it detects you’re about to run out. Meanwhile, your car is busy telling your thermostat [...]


For the remotest IoT gear, cellular and satellite are coming together

Nokia to splash out $191 million on health and wearables firm Withings

Sign Language To Speech With Wearable Tech Gloves


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