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MySQL radionica: Praktičan vodič za rad sa podacima i bazama podataka

MySQL radionica: Praktičan vodič za rad sa podacima i bazama podataka

Cena: 3190 rsd
Popust i do: 2074 rsd

Android 9, Kotlin i Android Studio 3.2 u jednoj knjizi

Android 9, Kotlin i Android Studio 3.2 u jednoj knjizi

Cena: 3300 rsd
Popust i do: 2145 rsd

Prilagodljiv veb dizajn broj 185


Flexbox Froggy

Learn flexbox by placing coloured frogs on their coloured lilypads. Yes it might sounds pretty stupid, but it's the best way I've found on explaining flex-box through doing.

Mobile goes beyond Desktop

This year shopping for black Friday exceeded 50% on mobile. If you're not building mobile first now then you're missing the point.

Knjiga dana



CSS Font Rendering Controls Module Level 1

Font loading now has a fancy name and a spot on Tab Atkins spec.

CSS font-display property is now available in Chrome Canary

As soon as the spec update from Tab Atkins on the font-display addition is announced Ilya Grigorik has a demo for you to try in Chrome Canary.

Making sense of atomic design: molecules and organisms

When does a molecule become complex enough to be called an organism. After working with pattern libraries for a year at FutureLearn, Alla has the answer.

Flash, HTML5 and Open Web Standards

Flash is going by the wayside and is now officially being replaced with Animate CC.

Cache-limiting in Service Workers …again

In this ongoing lesson on Service Workers as problems arise Jeremy Keith has another iteration you too can look to use on your site.

Flexbox Grid Finesse

A few techniques to exploit Flexbox’s internal algorithms and design seamless grids intended for changing quantities and varied dimensions of content from Heydon Pickering.

Advent Calendar - Content

Content is the number one thing you need for a successful website, and it is also tremendously helpful for ensuring your design is fit for purpose. Check out this advent calendar to lear more about gathering content.

Responsive Design: Patterns & Principles review

If you haven't decided whether to buy Ethans latest book, do it! If that still doesn't convince you then have a read of this review and decide for yourself.

Chrome for Android can now save more data by blocking website images

Chrome now allows you to block website images to save data. Ahhh, yes please I'll take two.

Metadata markup

This very neat trick allows you to shorten the long meta markup in the head thanks to Open Graph (OG) and Twitter Cards implementing a different approach to meta tags.



A Guide To Simple And Painless Mobile User Testing

How to get some user testing on mobile apps on a (relatively small) budget.


Like arrows? I like arrows. These go all around the box depending on the media query.

Using Flexbox to Create a Responsive Comment Section

We're beginning to see more and more practical examples of how to roll out Flexbox into elements of your website designs

Creating a Web Type Lockup

Creating beautiful print style headlines without having to resort to raster images.

Interactive Geographical Map with SVG and JavaScript

Bringing your map to life with SVG and javascript.

SVG load with Service Worker

Using Service Workers to sprite up SVG icons to improve performance on subsequent loads and avoiding extra http requests.

Resources & Presentations


A community-curated list of flexbox issues and cross-browser workarounds for them

Building an Offline Page for

If you haven't seen the offline crossword puzzle that uses Service Workers then you definitely should! Going through a tunnel, never mind they've got you covered. This presentation is the overview on how it was done.

What Web Can Do Today

"The Web can't do ...... " said the native app fan. Well now the web can do quite a lot of things... check out what is ready with code examples for web and native.

U.S. Digital Service (podcast)

With the site leading the way in design we see the U.S following along and developing a US Web Design Standard. Check out the other RWD Podcast to learn more about how they approached it.


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