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Kompjuter po mojoj meri II izdanje

Kompjuter po mojoj meri II izdanje

Cena: 540 rsd
Popust i do: 351 rsd

Popravka i nadgradnja PC računara

Popravka i nadgradnja PC računara

Cena: 1800 rsd
Popust i do: 1170 rsd

Today on Hackster, Amazon Web Services, Heart Rate Monitor Using IOT. etc.

Heart Rate Monitor Using IOT by Team Technopaths

This project Displays the Heart rate at the unit of Beats Per Minute over the Internet So that it can be monitored from anywhere.

Programmer Incubator SANCHES RODRIGUEZ (PISR) by Sanches

What is programming and who is a programmer?For these but also many other IT questions, you will get the answer right in (PISR).

Copy of oneM2M Demo by johny joseph

oneM2M demonstration using ESP8266 NodeMCU board.

Water Man by KaramveerAkhil JarodiaShiva Saini, and Nishant Verma

Waterman is a device in form of a box which will check the contamination level of water and also the availability of water in the pipeline.

Vehicle Fleet Monitoring by Moheeb Zara

Use Hologram's cellular network to monitor a fleet of vehicles using OBDII, Raspberry Pi, GPS, and GSM.

Snap Circuits Door Alarm by xXarduino_11Xx

This blend of Arduino and Snap Circuits is a smart door alarm

Using Onion RFID & NFC Expansion for Access Control by Pavel

You can now use Onion RRID & NFC Expansion for Access Control, particularly to control an electronic lock.

Extensions for your Raspberry with modules by Thomas Angielsky

The more tinkering with the Pi, the more circuits you get and maybe more problems with extensions of your ideas. What helps? Read here...

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