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Kompjuter po mojoj meri II izdanje

Kompjuter po mojoj meri II izdanje

Cena: 540 rsd
Popust i do: 351 rsd

Popravka i nadgradnja PC računara

Popravka i nadgradnja PC računara

Cena: 1800 rsd
Popust i do: 1170 rsd

Internet stvari broj 31 od 21.10.2015.


5 Disruptive Tech Trends That Could Dominate in 2016

Technological disruption can drive massive gains for investors positioned in the right names. In the following roundtable, our contributors highlight five crucial trends to watch in 2016 and the best companies to profit from such innovations.

Image Source: IBM

Top 10 Emerging Technologies Changing Our Lives

Of little surprise - Big Data and the IoT are the top 2 mentions. Some of the others though are interesting and things you might want to take note of and start tracking.

The Top 20 Internet of Things Companies Right Now

A fun list of the top 20 IoT companies based on the following metrics:

  • How often people search for the companies on Google in conjunction with IoT
  • How often companies get mentioned in tweets on Twitter in conjunction with IoT
  • How often newspapers and blogs mention the companies in conjunction with IoT
  • How many company employees carry the tag "Internet of Things" on Linkedin

Electronic Noise Is Drowning Out the Internet of Things

The coming Internet of Things is going to make things worse. Much worse. It will do so by adding complex RF-control chips to countless common devices, like door locks, light switches, appliances of every type, our cars, and maybe even our bodies, which will enable them to connect to the Internet.

Illustration: Lou Brooks


DJI and Accel Partners Form Drone Investment Fund

This article is from earlier in the year, but it discusses the growth at which interest in Drones is growing in the investment community. I've been speaking in this subject for more than year and continue to believe that drones are the next frontier of automation and service devices.

Big Data

What Does Food Packaging Have To Do With Big Data And The Internet Of Things?

Story on how on how smart packaging is becoming a conversation between people, brands, and objects that enhances the customers experience with the companies products. The article outlines how companies are implementing solutions in this space.

Photo credit: Chris Wilder & Tom Neville

Small Data Can Pack a Big Punch for Your Business

The article covers the aspect that the key to understanding business challenges lies with the information that can be derived from big data through analysis. Focusing on this small data allows companies information that can cause new events based on what it determines is going on at any given point.

How To Invest In Big Data

While this is an article on Forbes around Big Data, it's really about investing in IBM's Watson. I'll have stories and posts coming in future issues as to why IBM is going to shake this market up. IBM is opening Watson to the public to make APIs around Big Data available to developers, entrepreneurs and businesses. This is a great thing!


Turning Internet of Things Data into Opportunities

The Internet of Things has resulted in an endless amount of data production. Foley Partner John Lanza discusses how companies can use their data to monetize information and improve both operations and customer relationships.


Streaming Vehicle Data in Realtime with Automatic

Automatic is a small (about the size of a memory card from a late 90s gaming console) adapter that costs about $99 and fits into a car’s Onboard Diagnostics (OBD-II) port, connects to your iPhone or Android phone via Bluetooth LE, and sends data in realtime about events happening onboard your vehicle.

Crowd Funding

Angee. The First Truly Autonomous Home Security System

An advanced security and communication system changing how you protect – and connect – to your home.


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