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Naučite Swift 3

Naučite Swift 3

Cena: 2200 rsd
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Mountin Lion MAC OS je za 4 dana preuzet više o 3 miliona puta

Mountin Lion

Cena za nadogradnju od 19.99 dolara je primamljiva za većinu i jedan je od faktora koji su doveli do ovako velikog odziva.

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Osnovne informacije na Vikipediji

OS X Mountain Lion[2] (version 10.8) is the ninth major release of OS X, Apple Inc.'s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. OS X Mountain Lion was released on July 25, 2012. It gains features from iOS, such as Notes and Reminders as applications separate from Mail and Calendar, in addition to those iOS features introduced to the Mac in OS X Lion.

OS X Mountain Lion replaces iChat with Messages, which includes support for iMessage, allowing users to send unlimited messages to other Macs (running Mountain Lion or later, or running the beta version of Messages for Mac OS X Lion), iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches (running iOS 5 or later). It also includes the latest version of the Safari web browser, Safari 6.

Following a soft transition started with Mac OS X Lion, Apple now consistently refers to OS X Mountain Lion as "OS X" rather than "Mac OS X".[1][2]



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