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PC I GADŽETI - Vodič za rešavanje problema i nadogradnju

PC I GADŽETI - Vodič za rešavanje problema i nadogradnju

Cena: 2860 rsd
Popust i do: 1859 rsd

Popravka i nadgradnja PC računara

Popravka i nadgradnja PC računara

Cena: 1800 rsd
Popust i do: 1170 rsd

Today on Hackster: 8 new projects for Android, Internet of Things, Google

Obstacle Avoidance Game with Distance Sensor by obniz developer team

Obstacle avoidance game like Flappy Bird. Move your hand to avoid the collision. It is easy to make and fun to play!

Pollution Monitor Using Netduino 3 WiFi by Team GABOTECH

Connection monitor to measure particles suspended in the air and then add more sensors, for example, concentrations of atmospheric gas, etc.

Python/MicroPython IoT Framework Example - Auto Irrigation by Bobby Leonard

A Py/mPy auto irrigation system with push notifications to Android, and rainfall prediction with Darksky API for more efficient water usage.

DIY Smart Scale with Alarm Clock by Igor Fonseca Albuquerque

A DIY smart scale with alarm clock. No more snoozing: the alarm will go on until you stand on the scale and give up going back to bed!

Send Text Messages Using ESP8266-01 with DHT11 Sensor Data by Pawan Kumar

This tutorial will show how we can send a text message using the ESP8266-01 WiFi module.

New Accumulator Battery and Charger for Old Screw Gun by MadFan (posted by Annika)

The revival of an old favorite screw gun thanks to 3D printing and some electronic assembling.

Vision-Based Self-Driving Pick and Place Robot by Vignesh Jeyanthan.N and Palaniappan.T

The robot is designed to operate by itself without manual control, and also pick up and drop an object using the forklifting concept.

TableTennis Drone by Shivani Salian and Tanmay Karpe

Play table tennis using a drone!


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