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Node.js, MongoDB i Angular integrisane alatke za razvoj veb strana

Node.js, MongoDB i Angular integrisane alatke za razvoj veb strana

Cena: 3190 rsd
Popust i do: 2074 rsd

GraphQL i React Full-Stack veb razvoj

GraphQL i React Full-Stack veb razvoj

Cena: 2530 rsd
Popust i do: 1645 rsd

Veb dizajn broj 202


The future of layout with CSS

Patrick Brosset takes a look at the wonderful world of the CSS Grid Layout which is a relatively new W3C specification that some browsers have started to implement. (

Evolving the Google Identity

Alex Cook, Jonathan Jarvis, & Jonathan Lee look at the finer details of how the new Google identity came about. (

ParallaxOne – Free One Page WordPress theme

You don’t even need to read the documentation. Everything is customizable and built with developers in mind. No framework to learn, no custom functions or a special file system. Just plain ol’ WordPress. Take a look for yourself at the demo. (


Prefetching, preloading, prebrowsing

Robin Rendle looks at some interesting prefetching performance techniques to help improve the user experience. (

What happened to Web Components?

Web Components have been around for 3 years and much of the excitement has calmed down, Web Components are alive and kicking. In this article Dr. Axel Rauschmayer looks at the recent developments and shares some information on what we can expect in the future. (

Design the Beginning

Julie Zhuo who is a product design director at Facebook expresses her concern that most of the time we design something new, we start at the middle and this is jeopardising our product. (

Angular 1 to Angular 2 – the path to a seamless upgrade

If you are currently worried about what you will need to do to upgrade your Angular 1 code to Angular 2, then hopefully this post by the Angular team helps ease the stress. (

Word Wrapping Woes

Joni Trythall looks at a number of properties to tackle tricky text wrapping/overflow issues. (

The anatomy of responsive images (

Diving deep into SVG animations (

Tools / Resources

An In-Depth Overview of Living Style Guide Tools

Robert Haritonov takes a look at various living style guides to help us transform front-end code bases into well-described pattern libraries with the minimum of effort. (

Gulp for Beginners

Keen to dive into Gulp? Or just get a little overview. Well this is a great introduction by Zell Liew that is worth checking out. (

Sublime Text 2 and Markdown

If you are keen to utilise Sublime Text as your writing tool this article explores some really good tips and tricks. (

Alex – Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing

Whether your own or someone else’s writing, Alex helps you find unequal phrasing. (

Hackpad – a web-based realtime wiki is now open sourced (

Hack – a typeface designed for source code (

Embracing the Network (


Spheres with CSS Animations

The very talented Donovan Hutchinson takes a simple rounded shape and adds some CSS animation to bring them to life. (

Reading the HTML specifications for 100 days (


Product Designer at Campaign Monitor

We’re looking for a Product Designer who shares our vision for designing beautiful software that thousands of people love to use. We’re looking for someone with a strong understanding of interaction design and knows how to apply that to directly drive product growth. We’re hoping that might be you. (

Front-End Engineer at Delighted

We need a front-end engineer with experience working on a wide variety of projects – building custom UI components, implementing responsive interfaces, or working to improve the responsiveness and performance of our application. (

Need to find passionate developers? Why not advertise in the next newsletter

Last but not least…

A Day of REST — a conference devoted to the WordPress REST API(

How to write a great error message (


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