Bootstrap UI Editors
Here are the best bootstrap UI editors. Bootstrap editors editors make it even easier to build responsive websites with font-awesome , jQuery etc. Here we provide some bootstrap UI editors that will help you to make your own responsive website.
1. Jetstrap
Jetstrap is a web-based Javascript library for building rapid prototypes and applications with Bootstrap. It boasts a simple but extremely powerful interface with drag-and-drop functionality. The workspace allows you to drop elements, customize them and then see a live preview.
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2. Lavish
Lavish is a Ruby on Rails application that generates a Bootstrap color scheme from an image, which you can customize to suit your requirements. Once you select an image, Lavish generates colors from the image for the body background, links, header, menu, tabs, text, dropdown and more.
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3. BootSwatchr
BootSwatchr is a visual tool, inspired by Bootswatch, for creating custom Bootstrap themes from the ground up. Just like Bootstrap it uses LESS to create dynamic, modular stylesheets to give you a live preview of the changes you make.
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4. LayoutIt
LayoutIt! features a drag-and-drop interface for creating front-end code simply and quickly. It takes every element and component of Bootstrap to make coding easier, without needing to be an expert in JavaScript, HTML5 or CSS3.
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5. PaintStrap
Using PaintStrap, you can generate beautiful Bootstrap themes with Adobe Kuler or COLOURLovers. To get started, input either the color scheme theme ID or a permalink URL, and then set the colors for corresponding elements such as text, navigation, buttons, background and links.
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6. Pingendo
Pingendo is a visual desktop application to create prototypes of responsive websites based on the Bootstrap framework. You can start a project from the collection of ready-to-use layouts, drag elements into position, resize and customize, and insert your own content.
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7. BootTheme
BootTheme allows you to create themes, mockups, websites and applications using the foundation of Bootstrap, with a drag-and-drop UI. You can instantly see your changes in the Live Preview panel, use In Place Editing to change the content in the preview panel and import Bootstrap variables.
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8. Bootply
Bootply is a drag-and-drop visual editor to design, create prototypes and test the Bootstrap framework. It integrates well with other popular plugins, micro-libraries and frameworks, including FontAwesome, AngularJS, Isotope, jQuery and many others.
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9. BootUI
BootUI is a visual Bootstrap editor that doesn’t require any HTML or CSS skills, and it features a diverse collection of responsive templates. It’s easy to get started; just select a template and double-click to edit the content. It also works offline, has free updates and currently boasts 24 responsive template options.
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10. Wrap Bootstrap Live Editor
Bootstrap Live is a WYSIWYG editor for Bootstrap that offers a simple and elegant way to edit and beautify HTML, with Bootstrap-ready content and snippets. The HTML button allows you to open the default source view with code coloring and formatting.
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11. Bootstrap Magic
Bootstrap Magic is a Bootstrap theme generator using the latest Bootstrap 3 release and Angular JS. It provides a live preview of any changes as you make them, and includes variable importing, a color picker and smart typeahead. It also completely rebrands the framework to your own style.
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12. Style Bootstrap
Style Bootstrap is an in-browser GUI utility to customize the Twitter Bootstrap look and feel. You can customize the body style, typography, buttons, navigation, forms, alerts and more. Once you’ve finished crafting your theme, you can download the generated CSS.
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13. X-Editable
X-Editable provides in-place editing with Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery, and the library allows you to create editable elements, including both “popup” and “inline” modes. It boasts a wealth of features, including client-side and server-side validation, keyboard support, live events, customizable container placement and more. X-Editable provides faster development, easy adding and removing of fields, etc.
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14. Bootsnipp
Bootsnipp provides Design elements, playground and code snippets for Bootstrap HTML/CSS/JS framework. And jQuery UI or pure jQuery, and the library allows you to create editable elements, including both “popup” and “inline” modes.
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15. Bootstrap Studio
Bootstrap Studio is a desktop application that helps you create beautiful websites. It comes with a large number of built-in components, which you can drag and drop to assemble responsive web pages. It is built on top of the hugely popular Bootstrap framework, and exports clean and semantic HTML.
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16. Brix. io
Brix. io Bootstrap Builder helps you to create responsive websites and user interfaces faster and easier than ever before.
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17. Frontenda
Frontenda provides 3 easy steps for create responsive templates in minutes. All Bootstrap 3. 0. features included. Drag&Drop editor + HTML editor + Less + Css editor give you all power to build with bootstrap. Prebuild layouts & Templates. Colors preset themes build-in.
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18. Cluckles
Cluckles Live Theme Editor for CSS Framework based on Less such as Twitter Bootstrap.
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19. Ultimate Bootstrap Editor
The Ultimate Bootstrap Editor provides the fastest way to writing bootstrap code.
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20. Bootzee
bootzee. com is made up of a set of popular on-line tools that we’ve put together to form a workflow for building bootstrap templates and bootstrap based sites.
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21. Codeply
Codeply makes responsive Web design & frontend development easier by enabling you to leverage the responsive framework of your choice. Codeply is a web-based HTML/CSS/JavaScript editor that’s integrated with top frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, Materialize, UIkit and Skeleton. Instead of trawling through docs, or searching for code examples, you now pick layouts, snippets and elements right from the editor.
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22. Shoelace
The only visual Bootstrap 3 grid builder featuring full responsive media query views and fully functional preview.
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23. Kickstart
Kickstart has been used in production websites for over three years. Kickstart is a library, not a framework. This means you only use the CSS you need instead of slowing down your site with a complete UI library.
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24. RapidMoon
Bootstrap is quickly becoming the standard for small teams to create Responsive Web Apps but the tools available to rapidly build powerful front-end interfaces are far from adequate. With a team comprised of pioneers in IT, Web Technology and Communications, RapidMoon has set a goal to become the Gold Standard of Responsive, Mobile-ready Web app.
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25. ObjGen
ObjGen is a live code generator that lets you see your code take shape as you enter in the names, types and properties you define. In one click, copy generated code to your clipboard and then paste into a text editor of your choice.
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