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Kamila Lekberj na svom blogu
I've had a busy day, with interviewing, signing, etc etc, and it's not over yet. I'm soon on my way to an event at the Swedish Church, and then dinner with Claiborne, and Jessica, from my american hardcover publishing house - and Otto, the handsome guy in the picture above. :-) Otto Penzer, among may other things, has the bookstore "Mysterious Bookshop" but he's also an author, and a very well known and respected person within the crime and mystery world. And the other lovely group in the other picture above is from my paperback publishing house Free Press (Simon & Schuster) and we had a great lunch at Bar Americain!
Promocija knjige danas, 29. marta
Raspored Američke turneje
Monday, March 28th
New YorkSwedish Church of New York, Talk & Signing at 7PM
Tuesday, March 29th Denver The Tattered Cover, Colfax Avenue, Talk & Signing at 7:30PM
Wednesday, March 30thPhoenix The Poisoned Pen, Talk & Signing at 7PM
Thursday, March 31st San DiegoMysterious Galaxy, Talk & Signing at 7PM
Friday, April 1st Los Angeles Vroman’s, Talk & Signing at 7PM
Saturday, April 2nd
Los Angeles Mysteries to Die For in Thousand Oaks, Talk & Signing at 12PM
Sunday, April 3rd San Francisco Book Passage in Corte Madera, Talk & Signing at 4PM
Monday, April 4th San Francisco M is for Mystery in San Mateo, Signing, at 7PM
Tuesday, April 5th Seattle Seattle Mystery Bookshop, Joint signing with Jacqueline Winspear at 12PM
Tuesday, April 5th SeattleLiberty Bay Books in Poulsbo, Talk & Signing at 6:30PM
Wednesday, April 6th Portland Murder by the Book, Talk & Signing at 6:30PM
Thursday, April 7th Minneapolis Once Upon a Crime,Talk & Signing at 7PM
Friday, April 8th ChicagoThe Book Stall at a restaurant in Winnetka, IL, Luncheon, Talk & Signing, time/restaurant TBA